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9月 「生きているということ」

Letter September "being alive"





― 今月の大阿闍梨のひと言 ― 


塩沼亮潤 「幸いをいただきまして このひとときを大切に」


I learned for the first time that there is a seasonal word in the world of haiku called "autumn butterfly."

Spring butterflies flutter in the yellow field of rape blossoms, and summer butterflies shine against the bright blue sky. And I feel the gentleness of autumn butterflies, also known as ``old butterflies.''

Butterflies that stay still even in the winter, as if frozen in the cold, are called ``frozen butterflies.''

There are butterflies that live each season to the fullest.

[Monthly Words]

Even if you are told that you are 99% unsuccessful, if you have even a 1% chance of success, you should keep trying. That one percent is the possibility that comes from being alive.


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