Letter January "hidden in harshness"

― 今月の大阿闍梨のひと言 ―
塩沼亮潤 「春夏秋冬 自然に生きる」
The period from January 11th to 15th is the 72nd month of ``Shimizu, including warm water''.
It's a bitterly cold late winter, but if you pay close attention to what's going on in the water, you may be able to see faint signs of spring.
[ Monthly Words ]
A moment from my training comes back to me over and over again.
During my training, I was faced with one difficulty after another, exhausted from being cornered, and at the limit of my mental and physical state, when I saw a single, small flower blooming in the mountains, and I remember being soothed by it.
When I thought about how my face would be reflected in the polished stone, the memory of thinking that it probably wouldn't reflect like a flower comes back to me vividly.